Introduction to Nutrition Farming

Indian economy is primarily based on agriculture, which has high potential in providing employment, growing an array and vide varieties of crops across the length and breadth of the country, depending upon the regions and their prevailing climate. India is basically self sufficient for food requirements, and believes in Building Production, Profitability and Sustainability in agriculture and farming.


Stomoma Infra Pvt. Ltd. would like to assist in developing Sustainable Agricultural Practices by supplying essential nutrients for :

  • Soil Development, Nourishment and Maintenance.
  • Seed protection, resistance & increasing seed germination rate.
  • Broad acre crops like rice, wheat, jowar, bajra, maize, soya, various nuts, etc.
  • Other crops like sugarcane, cotton, fruit & flower bearing trees, etc.
  • For growing natural trees like Neem, teak, pine, and also vegetables.


We would like to create a Win – Win situation by reduced Input cost, Increased yield, Improved quality of produce, Reduced use of chemical fertilizers & other harmful chemicals, Increased farmer’s profit. Our food, water & environment is thereby protected.
To prove that it is more fun to work with Nature rather than against her. By understanding the inter relationship between soil, microbes, plants & minerals.


Our Products


  • Secures Water Shortfall

  • Growth of Crop by 20-30%

  • Better Nutritional Value

  • Improves Growth & Quality of Plant

  • Free from Chemicals

  • Improve Human Health

  • Helpful in Multi Crops

  • Promotes Green Revolution

  • Reduces Cost of Seed

Stomoma Agriculture products can be applied irrespective of the crop/ plant/ tree which they will be used for and in case of flowers, the dosages can be increased to ensure their quality and life cycle. The products are free from harmful chemicals, but they contain various nutrients essential for soil development and plant growth.

Nutrition Farming is the Future

The goal is to produce the healthiest possible plant with a fully functioning immune system.
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